Piano Adoption is the first and largest free piano classified website! We are a free site where you can find a home for your unused free piano, free digital pianos, and free electric keyboards. Give the gift of music to a family in search of a free piano or an institution such as a church, school or retirement home in need of a free piano, digital piano, or keyboard. For every piano that is unwanted or no longer used, there may be dozens of potential recipients in your area looking for a free piano. Piano Adoption is dedicated to finding a new home for all serviceable, free pianos before they end up disposed of in the local landfill.

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Free Pianos Recently Added


Mc Phail, Boston, Baby Grand

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Baldwin Upright

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Aeolian Player Piano – The Sting

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Gorgeous OAK Yamaha P22 45 Upright piano – All documentation included

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Horace Waters Baby Grand

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Please don’t dispose of your piano! Donate, or give away your free piano! Check out our article about why you shouldn’t dispose of your piano.